Susen Shi


Film Production__“Green”

                            __“Water under the bridgE”

                      __“Breathe” (click below)
                     France | Spain |
Czech | China

Data Analysis__“Women in AI”

Advertising__Art Design

Poetry__“i don’t miss u”    


*All photos are copyrighted by Susen Shi. Any unauthorized use will result in legal action.


                             Film Production__

                                                          所有的转瞬间就可以变成, 那只要随意洗涤几次就很快显露出绿来,                                                                       而这绿终究会变成黑,无穷无尽潮湿的黑.          
All the oranges can turn blue in an instant, and that blue, with just a few careless
washes, will surrender to green. In time, the green deepens,
darkens—until it is nothing but black, endlessly damp, endlessly becoming.

Short Narrative | 2024--current

Role: Director, Writer, Storyboard, Editor


Someone struggles to distinguish between friendship and romance, then realizes that her friend does not experience romantic attraction to anyone.


Bai (she/they), an accounting student with a passion for filmmaking, enrolls in a film course where she meets Xiong (they/them). As their friendship deepens over movie nights hosted by Bai, she unconsciously begins inviting only Xiong, until a quiet panic sets in—her feelings may have changed. What’s friendship and what’s romantic attraction? Yet, she already knows Xiong doesn’t experience romantic attraction, leaving her uncertain about what to do.

Xiong notices the shift when they casually flip through movie night posters in class. Having once lost a best friend to unreciprocated feelings, they feel a familiar fear creeping in. As they navigate their emotions, their friendship teeters on the edge—will they find their way back to each other?

Director's Statement:

This story is inspired by both conversations with aromantic individuals and personal experiences(Please don’t take it personally). It delves into the complex space where friendship and romantic attraction blur—especially for those who don’t fit into traditional definitions of love and relationships. Understanding and respecting people’s romantic orientations is important, as approaching the topic from an allosexual or alloromantic perspective may unintentionally disrupt or offend those on the aro spectrum.

ps. It has taken me a long time to be honest with myself. I’ve always struggled with relationships, especially when I couldn’t fully understand my own feelings. After all these years, I feel I still owe some people my sincerest apologies. I’m sorry if I hurt you, and I truly wish you the best. 

Though I don’t want to confine myself to any label, I understand myself as being on the ace/aro spectrum—whereas before, I think I was a lesbian. If you open to a conversation, I’d love to hear your queer story, and perhaps you might even be interested in joining my other ongoing project.

Storyboard Design:

(pics will be added soon)

I created the initial storyboard and refined it with my DP. We opted for simple, fluid camera movements to immerse the audience in Bai’s emotional journey. The cinematography mirrors Bai and Xiong’s experiences—when they first meet, the camera moves with their excitement and surprise, visually echoing their connection.